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The Truth About Making Money Online – Best Methods For Africans

Hey everyone! I’m sure you’ve done plenty of research and watched countless videos on how to make money online. Today, you’re in the right place to hear the truth about making money online, particularly from an African perspective.

You can watch the video below or go on to read this article for more understanding.

We’re going to dive into a topic that’s often misunderstood: making money online. There are many misconceptions, and I’m here to set the record straight and show you the best paths to success. 

I wish someone had explained things to me as plainly as I’m about to explain them to you. It took me about 10 years to get to where I am, and now you’re about to receive a decade’s worth of knowledge compressed into this article.

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Introduction to My Journey

My name is Kekeli Buckner, and I currently help companies get great leads. I’ve always had a passion for tech and computers, and I somehow knew I’d end up doing something IT-related. 

I started seeing videos about people making money online, which piqued my curiosity. After watching hundreds of videos and trying out various online ventures—some successful, others scams—I’ve drawn conclusions about making money online that I want to share with you.

What Making Money Online is NOT

First, let’s dispel some myths. Making money online is not a get-rich-quick scheme or something that requires little effort. This misconception often leads to disappointment.

Making money online involves hard work, dedication, and most importantly, value. It’s not about clicking a few buttons and watching the cash roll in. You need to treat it like any other business, which means planning, learning, and putting in the hours. There are no shortcuts to success, online or offline.

The Importance of Consistency

Approach making money online with a serious mindset, not as if you’re just trying something out. Consistency is a game changer. Coupled with a serious mindset, consistency is bound to yield results. 

Many years ago, when I was inconsistent with my gym workouts, my coach told me not to waste my time if I wasn’t serious. This applies to making money online as well. If you approach it with seriousness and consistency, you will see results.

Understanding the Internet

The Internet is simply a medium that transmits information. It’s a powerful tool that connects people worldwide, but at its core, it’s just a way to share and receive information in the form of text, images, and videos. 

Understanding this basic concept helps you realize that the Internet is a tool—a tool you can use to reach and influence millions of people, and hence, make money.

The Concept of Money

Money is not real; it’s a medium used to represent value in the physical world. The value you bring to the table is what money follows. For instance, you buy a toothbrush because it’s a well-designed tool for cleaning your teeth. 

Similarly, making money involves offering value that people are willing to pay for. When you grasp that money follows value, you start focusing on how you can add value to others’ lives through products, services, or entertainment.

Education and Continuous Learning

Education is the foundation of acquiring valuable skills. With the vast resources available online, there’s never been a better time to learn and grow. Whether it’s through online courses, tutorials, or self-study, the opportunities are endless. 

Websites like Coursera, Udemy, Khan Academy, and even YouTube offer courses on almost anything you can think of. By investing time in your education, you are investing in your future earning potential.

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Opportunities in This Generation

This generation has an incredible opportunity to make money online. With the rise of the digital age, more people are turning to the Internet for goods, services, and entertainment. This shift has created a massive market for online entrepreneurs. 

The barriers to entry are lower than ever. With a computer and an Internet connection, you can reach a global audience. Social media platforms and e-commerce sites make it easier to market and sell products or services worldwide.

Becoming a Person of Value

To make money online, you need to be a person of value. This means having skills that you can transmit through the Internet. Whether you’re a graphic designer, writer, programmer, or anything in between, your skills are your greatest asset. 

Value comes from what you can do for others. Can you solve a problem, entertain, or educate someone? Focus on what you’re good at and how you can use that skill to help others. The more value you provide, the more people will be willing to pay for your services or products.

Levels of Making Money Online

There are different levels of making money online, which can be categorized into three pools:

1. Performing Tasks: 

This includes simple tasks like taking surveys, testing websites, or selling other people’s products. It’s a good starting point that requires minimal skill but is not very lucrative. There are websites pay you to complete simple tasks. However, the pay is usually minimal, and payment methods are often not designed for Africa, making it difficult to receive your earnings. Since PayPal is not yet registered in Ghana, receiving payments becomes problematic. Therefore, while online surveys can be a good starting point, they are not recommended for those seeking substantial earnings.

2. Offering Skill and Creativity: 

A more rewarding approach involves offering your skills and creativity online. Platforms like Fiverr and Upwork allow you to offer services such as writing, graphic design, accounting, and video editing.

This level requires more expertise and time but can be much more profitable. Creating content on YouTube or starting a blog can also generate income through ads, sponsorships, and affiliate marketing.

However, don’t limit yourself to online clients. Local businesses also need these services, and you can approach them directly. Remember, the internet is just a medium; your physical presence can be advantageous.

Having a skill is one thing, but marketing it is another crucial aspect. Many talented individuals fail to monetize their skills because they do not market themselves effectively. 

Building a personal brand and using social media platforms like Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, and Instagram can help. Don’t be shy about promoting yourself. Effective marketing involves creativity and consistency.

Success at this level also requires excellent management skills. You must manage your time, clients, and finances efficiently. Educate yourself on client management to handle demands professionally and avoid conflicts. 

Effective management is vital for sustaining a growing business and can lead to substantial earnings.

3. Offering a Software Service: 

As your expertise grows, you might consider offering consultancy services or developing a Software as a Service (SaaS). These require a high level of expertise and possibly coding skills. 

Consultants can offer valuable advice and training to businesses, and Software as a Service (SaaS) solutions can address specific problems for a target audience. This level can lead to significant earnings and impact.

Additionally, building an automated SaaS solution can be a lucrative vehicle that keeps meeting thousands of needs each day without requiring your constant time and effort.

What Works in Africa

Now, let’s address what works in Africa. Unfortunately, Africa is often associated with online fraud, but there are many honest and skilful individuals building reputable businesses. The key is, to be honest, skillful, build a solid reputation, and network with others. Despite the unique challenges, Africa offers unique opportunities. Focus on leveraging your skills and being transparent in your dealings.

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That’s my honest truth about making money online. I hope it has inspired you to shift your perspective or start your online money-making journey. With this information, you should be able to start earning money online within 6-12 months. A great place to start is writing, a versatile skill that can open many doors. Whether you’re creating content for blogs, social media, or marketing, good writing is always in demand.

To help you get started, I’ve created a writing course that teaches not just the skill but also the business of writing. Visit kekelibuckner.com to sign up and begin your journey.

If you found this article helpful, please share your thoughts or questions in the comments. Thank you for reading, and I wish you the best on your journey to making money online.

June 13, 2024
Simple SEO Strategies for Business Websites
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