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delivery services in ghana

Keyword Research on Delivery Services in Ghana

There are countless of delivery services in Ghana that can deliver food, goods and anything in between fast. Most services use a motorbike which saves fuel cost as well as time spent in traffic. This makes it possible for services like Jumia Foods to deliver food from your favourite restaurant within an hour.

Before you start a delivery company however, there are a countless number of tasks that need to be done and one of them is keyword research. Finding out how many people are searching for keywords related to your industry is an important factor because it will determine your market and also expose you to the competition and how they are ranking for those keywords.

In the video below, I do a basic keyword analysis on delivery related keywords and you will find that over 5000 monthly searches are conducted each month with the majority of those searches coming from Accra. Information like this will help you put the structures in place to attract that audience through SEO.

Delivery services in Ghana

You do not need a lot of capital to start a delivery service in Ghana but investing in keyword research can set you apart from your competitors.


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