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cake business in Ghana

How to make your cake business work

Business is a very dynamic field. Baking cake is a very important part of any cake or pastry business but one thing you must also consider is if your customers really want your product? How many people are searching for cake online and how many companies are there that produce cake within my business location? Is the competition to high? should I change my approach?

Well, these are some of the reasons why it is important to conduct an SEO keyword research for your business. Whether you are starting or have been around for some years.

I did a little research on cake relates searches in Ghana each month and found out that over 30,000 searches are made each month! If you are not getting customers in your cake business then it may be because people can not find you online. Below is a table of some keywords that people search for when in need of cake and the volume of searches each month in Ghana.

Cake Keywords

birthday cake 1,400
cake 1,200
how to make cake 600
red velvet cake 400
wedding cake 300

If you are still wondering if your business should be online in this technologically charged generation then you might already be too late. Watch the video below to find out more about getting more customers to your cake shop for free.

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